Dear PHS Families,
On behalf of the Piedmont High School Parents' Club (PHS PC), we want to welcome you to the 2022-23 school year at PHS. We’d like to extend a warm welcome to our freshmen, the class of 2026, as well as to all the new families who have joined the PHS community.
For those of you who may be unfamiliar with the PHS Parents' Club, we are a volunteer-based parent group responsible for the organization and financial support of a wide range of educational, social and cultural events at PHS. And, in the coming school year, we expect the Parents’ Club at PHS will play an even more vital role in supporting the administration, faculty and students as we collectively return to our new normal.
Your membership contributions are the sole source of the Parents’ Club budget and support levels range from $75 to $250. We hope you will consider joining the PHS Parents’ Club this year. Funds raised will continue to support many of the traditions and activities that make PHS so special, but will also support a variety of programs including:
Grants to enable teachers to implement innovative ideas in the classroom
Funding to support grade-level activities such as 9th grade orientation and events for our seniors.
Funding for the Stanford-affiliated Challenge Success program
Parent-led teacher and staff appreciation activities
We encourage you to attend our monthly Parents’ Club meetings to keep abreast of what’s going on at PHS and to hear from our dedicated administrators. You’ll learn about school-wide initiatives and district updates, meet faculty and staff, hear from student leaders, and connect with other parents. We would like to personally invite you to attend and get involved. Most meetings are on Friday at 8:30am, but there will be evening meetings as well. We plan to hold more in-person meetings in order to continue to build community.
Thank you in advance for your support in helping to sustain the educational and extracurricular programs that are great traditions at PHS! We look forward to working with you this year. Feel free to reach out to us at any time.
Stacey Hunt and Sheila M. Bhatia
PHS Parents’ Club Co-Presidents
Nairobi Kim
PHS Parents’ Club Vice President
Stacey Hunt, PHSPC Co-President
Nicole Taylor, Co-President, PHS Parents' Club